Dr Tobias Otto is an electrical engineer. He started doing research on polarimetric weather radars more than 20 years ago. After 10 years in academia, he joined space industry working as systems engineer on radar payloads both in study and implementation phases and as project manager for radar technology activities. At SkyEcho, Tobias focuses on systems engineering of integrated meteorological solutions and project management.

Dr Albert Oude Nijhuis completed his PhD at the Department of Microelectronics of Delft University of Technology. He developed novel retrieval methods for wind and turbulence parameters by measurements from weather radar and lidar observations. At SkyEcho, Albert is focusing on technological innovation. He is in charge of the refinement of the weather radar data processing and development of new end-user features.

Dr Yann Dufournet has been Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Observations at the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Department of Delft University of Technology. Yann started SkyEcho in 2016 and has since then gained the entrepreneurial experience required to flourish a business. As CEO of SkyEcho, Yann strongly focuses on business development and partners communication.